
Seroprevalence and risk factors of West Nile virus infection in veterinarians and horses in Northern Palestine

BACKGROUND AND AIM: West Nile fever (WNF) is a neurotropic, mosquito-borne disease affecting humans and domesticated animals, caused by a member of the genus Flavivirus. Over the last decades, this virus has been responsible for several cases of illness in humans and animals. The current epidemiolog...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alzuheir, Ibrahim, Fayyad, Adnan, Jalboush, Nasr, Abdallah, Rosemary, Abutarbush, Sameeh, Gharaibeh, Mohammad, Bdarneh, Majd, Khraim, Nimer, Helal, Mohammad Abu, Helal, Belal Abu
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Veterinary World 2021
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