
Genomic analyses of new genes and their phenotypic effects reveal rapid evolution of essential functions in Drosophila development

It is a conventionally held dogma that the genetic basis underlying development is conserved in a long evolutionary time scale. Ample experiments based on mutational, biochemical, functional, and complementary knockdown/knockout approaches have revealed the unexpectedly important role of recently ev...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Xia, Shengqian, VanKuren, Nicholas W., Chen, Chunyan, Zhang, Li, Kemkemer, Clause, Shao, Yi, Jia, Hangxing, Lee, UnJin, Advani, Alexander S., Gschwend, Andrea, Vibranovski, Maria D., Chen, Sidi, Zhang, Yong E., Long, Manyuan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2021
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