
Supplementation of a lacto-fermented rapeseed-seaweed blend promotes gut microbial- and gut immune-modulation in weaner piglets

BACKGROUND: The direct use of medical zinc oxide in feed will be abandoned after 2022 in Europe, leaving an urgent need for substitutes to prevent post-weaning disorders. RESULTS: This study investigated the effect of using rapeseed-seaweed blend (rapeseed meal added two brown macroalgae species Asc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hui, Yan, Tamez-Hidalgo, Paulina, Cieplak, Tomasz, Satessa, Gizaw Dabessa, Kot, Witold, Kjærulff, Søren, Nielsen, Mette Olaf, Nielsen, Dennis Sandris, Krych, Lukasz
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2021
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