
Correlation Between Surrogate End Points and Overall Survival in a Multi-institutional Clinicogenomic Cohort of Patients With Non–Small Cell Lung or Colorectal Cancer

IMPORTANCE: Contemporary observational cancer research requires associating genomic biomarkers with reproducible end points; overall survival (OS) is a key end point, but interpretation can be challenging when multiple lines of therapy and prolonged survival are common. Progression-free survival (PF...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kehl, Kenneth L., Riely, Gregory J., Lepisto, Eva M., Lavery, Jessica A., Warner, Jeremy L., LeNoue-Newton, Michele L., Sweeney, Shawn M., Rudolph, Julia E., Brown, Samantha, Yu, Celeste, Bedard, Philippe L., Schrag, Deborah, Panageas, Katherine S.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Medical Association 2021
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