
Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Blue Heat-Treated Instruments at Different Temperatures

The main aim is to evaluate the cyclic fatigue resistance of blue heat-treated instruments with different kinematics. Twenty-four endodontic instruments of the same brand were used for each of three experimental groups: VB (Vortex Blue 40/0.04), RB (RECIPROC Blue 40/0.06), and XB (X1 Blue 40/0.06)....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vieira, Thalita Miranda, Cardoso, Ryhan Menezes, Alves, Nayane Chagas Carvalho, Emanuel Acioly Conrado de Menezes, Silvio, Batista, Shirley Machado, Silva, Silmara de Andrade, Velozo, Christianne, de Albuquerque, Diana Santana, Monteiro, Gabriela Queiroz de Melo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Hindawi 2021
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