
Leapfrogging with technology: introduction of a monitoring platform to support a large-scale Ebola vaccination program in Rwanda

Continued outbreaks of Ebola virus disease, including recent outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), highlight the need for effective vaccine programs to combat future outbreaks. Given the population flow between DRC and Rwanda, the Rwanda Ministry of Health initiated a preventive v...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mc Kenna, Paula, Masyn, Serge, Willems, Annik, De Paepe, Anne, Rutten, Romain, Mazarati, Jean Baptiste, Sayinzoga, Felix, Karita, Etienne, Nduwamungu, Jean Nepo, Mazzei, Amelia, Nyombayire, Julien, Ingabire, Rosine, Amponsah, Monica, Egoeh, Seth Gogo, Ezeanochie, Nnamdi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Taylor & Francis 2021
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