
Perinatal diagnosis of a fetus with an unbalanced translocation 46,XY,der(10)t(6;10)(p22;q26.1) with multiple malformations: a case report and literature review

The phenotype of an unbalanced translocation is characterized by the dosage effects of the affected genes in the translocated chromosome. We present the case of a fetus with a paternally derived unbalanced 46,XY,der(10)t(6;10)(p22;q26.1) translocation, detected following growth retardation and cardi...

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Autores principales: Ishibashi, Makiho, Watanabe, Takafumi, Kyozuka, Hyo, Yamaguchi, Akiko, Sato, Kenichi, Sato, Maki, Go, Hayato, Fujimori, Keiya
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Fukushima Society of Medical Science 2021
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