
Substitutional synthesis of sub-nanometer InGaN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content

InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) with sub-nanometer thickness can be employed in short-period superlattices for bandgap engineering of efficient optoelectronic devices, as well as for exploiting topological insulator behavior in III-nitride semiconductors. However, it had been argued that the highest i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vasileiadis, I. G., Lymperakis, L., Adikimenakis, A., Gkotinakos, A., Devulapalli, V., Liebscher, C. H., Androulidaki, M., Hübner, R., Karakostas, Th., Georgakilas, A., Komninou, Ph., Dimakis, E., Dimitrakopulos, G. P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2021
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