
Two-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation Vs Outpatient Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Sick Listed Workers with Musculoskeletal or Common Mental Disorders

Purpose There is a lack of results on long-term effects of return to work interventions. We previously reported that an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program (I-MORE) was more effective in reducing sickness absence and facilitating return to work (RTW) at 12 months follow-up compa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aasdahl, Lene, Vasseljen, Ottar, Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård, Johnsen, Roar, Fimland, Marius Steiro
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2021
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