
Single-cell transcriptome identifies molecular subtype of autism spectrum disorder impacted by de novo loss-of-function variants regulating glial cells

BACKGROUND: In recent years, several hundred autism spectrum disorder (ASD) implicated genes have been discovered impacting a wide range of molecular pathways. However, the molecular underpinning of ASD, particularly from the point of view of ‘brain to behaviour’ pathogenic mechanisms, remains large...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nassir, Nasna, Bankapur, Asma, Samara, Bisan, Ali, Abdulrahman, Ahmed, Awab, Inuwa, Ibrahim M., Zarrei, Mehdi, Safizadeh Shabestari, Seyed Ali, AlBanna, Ammar, Howe, Jennifer L., Berdiev, Bakhrom K., Scherer, Stephen W., Woodbury-Smith, Marc, Uddin, Mohammed
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2021
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