
Pathological response to neoadjuvant therapy with chemotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy in stage III NSCLC-contribution of IASLC recommendations

BACKGROUND: Neoadjuvant treatment (NT) with chemotherapy (Ch) is a standard option for resectable stage III (N2) NSCLC. Several studies have suggested benefits with the addition of radiotherapy (RT) to NT Ch. The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) published recommendation...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Muñoz-Guglielmetti, Diego, Sanchez-Lorente, David, Reyes, Roxana, Martinez, Daniel, Lucena, Carmen, Boada, Marc, Paredes, Pilar, Parera-Roig, Marta, Vollmer, Ivan, Mases, Joel, Martin-Deleon, Roberto, Castillo, Sergi, Benegas, Mariana, Muñoz, Silvia, Mayoral, Maria, Cases, Carla, Mollà, Meritxell, Casas, Francesc
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Baishideng Publishing Group Inc 2021
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