
The copper-linked Escherichia coli AZY operon: Structure, metal binding, and a possible physiological role in copper delivery

The Escherichia coli yobA–yebZ–yebY (AZY) operon encodes the proteins YobA, YebZ, and YebY. YobA and YebZ are homologs of the CopC periplasmic copper-binding protein and the CopD putative copper importer, respectively, whereas YebY belongs to the uncharacterized Domain of Unknown Function 2511 famil...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hadley, Rose C., Zhitnitsky, Daniel, Livnat-Levanon, Nurit, Masrati, Gal, Vigonsky, Elena, Rose, Jessica, Ben-Tal, Nir, Rosenzweig, Amy C., Lewinson, Oded
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2021
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