
The Effect in Renal Function and Vascular Decongestion in Type 1 Cardiorenal Syndrome Treated with Two Strategies of Diuretics, a Pilot Randomized Trial

AIM: The main treatment strategy in type 1 cardiorenal syndrome (CRS1) is vascular decongestion. It is probable that sequential blockage of the renal tubule with combined diuretics (CD) will obtain similar benefits compared with stepped-dose furosemide (SF). METHODS: In a pilot double-blind randomiz...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chávez-Iñiguez, Jonathan S., Ibarra-Estrada, Miguel, Sánchez-Villaseca, Sergio, Romero-González, Gregorio, Font-Yañez, Jorge J., De la Torre-Quiroga, Andrés, de Quevedo, Andrés Aranda-G, Romero-Muñóz, Alexia, Maggiani-Aguilera, Pablo, Chávez-Alonso, Gael, Gómez-Fregoso, Juan, García-García, Guillermo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2022
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