
In search of an ideal drug for safer treatment of obesity: The false promise of pseudoephedrine

Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Only relatively few treatment options are, at present, available for the management of obese patients. Furthermore, treatment of obesity is affected by the widespread misuse of drugs and food supplements. Ephedra sinica is an old medicinal herb, co...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Munafò, Antonio, Frara, Stefano, Perico, Norberto, Di Mauro, Rosaria, Cortinovis, Monica, Burgaletto, Chiara, Cantarella, Giuseppina, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Giustina, Andrea, Bernardini, Renato
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2021
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