
Clustering Users to Determine the Most Suitable Gamification Elements

The use of gamification elements has extended from being a complement for a product to being integrated into multiple public services to motivate the user. The first drawback for service designers is choosing which gamification elements are appropriate for the intended audience, in addition to the p...

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Autores principales: Blanco-M, Alejandro, Contreras-Espinosa, Ruth S., Solé-Casals, Jordi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2021
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Sumario:The use of gamification elements has extended from being a complement for a product to being integrated into multiple public services to motivate the user. The first drawback for service designers is choosing which gamification elements are appropriate for the intended audience, in addition to the possible incompatibilities between gamification elements. This work proposes a clustering technique that enables mapping different user profiles in relation to their preferred gamification elements. Additionally, by mapping the best cluster for each gamification element, it is possible to determine the preferred game genre. The article answered the following research questions: What is the relationship between the genre of the game and the element of gamification? Different user groups (profiles) for each gamification element? Results indicate that there are cases where the users are divided between those who agree or disagree. However, other elements present a great heterogeneity in the number of groups and the levels of agreement.