
Genetic characterization of a Sorghum bicolor multiparent mapping population emphasizing carbon-partitioning dynamics

Sorghum bicolor, a photosynthetically efficient C(4) grass, represents an important source of grain, forage, fermentable sugars, and cellulosic fibers that can be utilized in myriad applications ranging from bioenergy to bioindustrial feedstocks. Sorghum’s efficient fixation of carbon per unit time...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Boatwright, J Lucas, Brenton, Zachary W, Boyles, Richard E, Sapkota, Sirjan, Myers, Matthew T, Jordan, Kathleen E, Dale, Savanah M, Shakoor, Nadia, Cooper, Elizabeth A, Morris, Geoffrey P, Kresovich, Stephen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2021
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