
Who Could Be Blamed in the Case of Discrepant Histology and Serology Results for Helicobacter pylori Detection?

Background. Discrepancies between histology and serology results for Helicobacter pylori detection could be caused by a variety of factors, including a biopsy sampling error, expertise of the pathologist, natural loss of infection due to advanced atrophy, or a false-positive serology in the case of...

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Autores principales: Skrebinska, Sabine, Megraud, Francis, Daugule, Ilva, Santare, Daiga, Isajevs, Sergejs, Liepniece-Karele, Inta, Bogdanova, Inga, Rudzite, Dace, Vangravs, Reinis, Kikuste, Ilze, Vanags, Aigars, Tolmanis, Ivars, Savcenko, Selga, Alix, Chloé, Herrero, Rolando, Park, Jin Young, Leja, Marcis
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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