
Modelling the impact of reopening schools in the UK in early 2021 in the presence of the alpha variant and with roll-out of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2

Following the resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK in late 2020 and the emergence of the alpha (also known as B117) variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a third national lockdown was imposed from January 4, 2021. Following the decline of COVID-19 cases over the remainder of January 2021, the qu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Panovska-Griffiths, J., Stuart, R.M., Kerr, C.C., Rosenfield, K., Mistry, D., Waites, W., Klein, D.J., Bonell, C., Viner, R.M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier Inc. 2022
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