
Toxicological Assessment of an Acrylic Removable Orthodontic Appliance Using 2D and 3D In Vitro Methods

Malocclusion is a global health problem, mainly affecting children and adolescents. For this reason, orthodontic treatment must be, on the one hand, safe, non-toxic, and effective and, on the other hand, it must have the best possible esthetic profile. Thus, the use of orthodontic appliances is addr...

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Autores principales: Dinu, Stefania, Craciunescu, Emanuela Lidia, Macasoi, Ioana, Chioran, Doina, Rivis, Mircea, Vlad, Daliborca, Milutinovici, Raluca Adriana, Marcovici, Iasmina, Dolghi, Alina, Moaca, Alina, Dinu, Dorin Cristian, Dehelean, Cristina, Popa, Malina
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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