
A flavin-dependent monooxygenase produces nitrogenous tomato aroma volatiles using cysteine as a nitrogen source

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) produces a wide range of volatile chemicals during fruit ripening, generating a distinct aroma and contributing to the overall flavor. Among these volatiles are several aromatic and aliphatic nitrogen-containing compounds for which the biosynthetic pathways are not know...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Liscombe, David K., Kamiyoshihara, Yusuke, Ghironzi, Jérémie, Kempthorne, Christine J., Hooton, Kevin, Bulot, Blandine, Kanellis, Vassili, McNulty, James, Lam, Nghi B., Nadeau, Louis Félix, Pautler, Michael, Tieman, Denise M., Klee, Harry J., Goulet, Charles
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: National Academy of Sciences 2022
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