
Anticoagulation, therapy of concomitant conditions, and early rhythm control therapy: a detailed analysis of treatment patterns in the EAST - AFNET 4 trial

AIMS: Treatment patterns were compared between randomized groups in EAST-AFNET 4 to assess whether differences in anticoagulation, therapy of concomitant diseases, or intensity of care can explain the clinical benefit achieved with early rhythm control in EAST-AFNET 4. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cardiovas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Metzner, Andreas, Suling, Anna, Brandes, Axel, Breithardt, , Günter, Camm, A John, Crijns, Harry J G M, Eckardt, , Lars, Elvan, , Arif, Goette, , Andreas, Haegeli, , Laurent M, Heidbuchel, , Hein, Kautzner, , Josef, Kuck, , Karl-Heinz, Mont, , Luis, Ng, G Andre, Szumowski, , Lukasz, Themistoclakis, , Sakis, van Gelder, , Isabelle C, Vardas, , Panos, Wegscheider, , Karl, Willems, , Stephan, Kirchhof, Paulus
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2021
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