
A new species of Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) from Western Pamir-Alay, Uzbekistan

New data on the phylogeny of four rare and endemic species of RanunculusL.sect.Ranunculastrum DC. of western Pamir-Alai, one of which is new to science, have been obtained. Ranunculustojibaevii sp. nov., from the Baysuntau Mountains, Western Hissar Range of Uzbekistan, is described. The new species...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Shchegoleva, Natalia V., Nikitina, Elena V., Juramurodov, Inom J., Zverev, Andrei A., Turginov, Orzimat T., Jabborov, Anvarbek M., Yusupov, Ziyoviddin, Dekhkonov, Davron B., Deng, Tao, Sun, Hang
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Pensoft Publishers 2022
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