
Near-infrared emitting lanthanide(iii) complexes as prototypes of optical imaging agents with peptide targeting ability: a methodological approach

A methodological approach to design prototypes of specific near-infrared emitting imaging agents based on a small molecular compound combining a lanthanide(iii) ion, the cyclen derivative as a coordinating unit and the azo-dye as a sensitizer with a Arg-Gly-Asp cyclopeptide as a targeting moiety, is...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cieslikiewicz-Bouet, Monika, Eliseeva, Svetlana V., Aucagne, Vincent, Delmas, Agnès F., Gillaizeau, Isabelle, Petoud, Stéphane
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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