
Deep-frying purple potato Purple Majesty using sunflower oil: effect on the polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity

The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas; it consists of the starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum. There are many varieties, and the flesh can have different colour ranging from yellow to red and purple. Coloured varieties have a denser texture and slightly nuttier, earthier fla...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Romano, Raffaele, Aiello, Alessandra, De Luca, Lucia, Pizzolongo, Fabiana, Durazzo, Alessandra, Lucarini, Massimo, Severino, Patricia, Souto, Eliana B., Santini, Antonello
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2022
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