
"I expected little, although I learned a lot": perceived benefits of participating in HIV risk reduction sessions among women engaged in sex work in Uganda

BACKGROUND: The global HIV burden remains a public health concern. Women engaged in sex work (WESW) are at higher risk of acquiring HIV compared to the general adult population. Uganda reports high rates of HIV prevalence among WESW. While WESW in Uganda have long been the subject of surveillance st...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sensoy Bahar, Ozge, Nabunya, Proscovia, Nabayinda, Josephine, Witte, Susan S., Kiyingi, Joshua, Mayo-Wilson, Larissa Jennings, Filippone, Prema, Yang, Lyla Sunyoung, Nakigudde, Janet, Tozan, Yesim, Ssewamala, Fred M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2022
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