
Genome of a giant isopod, Bathynomus jamesi, provides insights into body size evolution and adaptation to deep-sea environment

BACKGROUND: The deep-sea may be regarded as a hostile living environment, due to low temperature, high hydrostatic pressure, and limited food and light. Isopods, a species-rich group of crustaceans, are widely distributed across different environments including the deep sea and as such are a useful...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yuan, Jianbo, Zhang, Xiaojun, Kou, Qi, Sun, Yamin, Liu, Chengzhang, Li, Shihao, Yu, Yang, Zhang, Chengsong, Jin, Songjun, Xiang, Jianhai, Li, Xinzheng, Li, Fuhua
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2022
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