
(1)H-Detected Biomolecular NMR under Fast Magic-Angle Spinning

[Image: see text] Since the first pioneering studies on small deuterated peptides dating more than 20 years ago, (1)H detection has evolved into the most efficient approach for investigation of biomolecular structure, dynamics, and interactions by solid-state NMR. The development of faster and faste...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Le Marchand, Tanguy, Schubeis, Tobias, Bonaccorsi, Marta, Paluch, Piotr, Lalli, Daniela, Pell, Andrew J., Andreas, Loren B., Jaudzems, Kristaps, Stanek, Jan, Pintacuda, Guido
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Chemical Society 2022
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