
IMMU-07. Interim analysis of the HIT-HGG Rez Immunvac study - Dendritic cell vaccination with partial T(reg) depletion and double checkpoint blockade in children with relapsed high-grade gliomas.

Relapses of high-grade gliomas show an aggressive course and survival 6 months after (sub-)total re-resection was only 62% in former HIT-HGG trials. Immunotherapy by induction of tumor-specific T cells through active immunization might help to control glioma regrowth. In the HIT-HGG-Rez Immunovac tr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Eyrich, Matthias, Krauss, Jürgen, Ghaffari, Maryam, Caruana, Ignazio, Rachor, Johannes, Monoranu, Camelia-Maria, Bison, Brigitte, Rückriegel, Stefan, Wölfl, Matthias, Miller, Elisabeth, Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt, Kramm, Christof
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2022
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