
Screening and purification of NanB sialidase from Pasteurella multocida with activity in hydrolyzing sialic acid Neu5Acα(2–6)Gal and Neu5Acα(2–3)Gal

Study on sialidases as antiviral agents has been widely performed, but many types of sialidase have not been tested for their antiviral activity. Pasteurella multocida NanB sialidase is one such sialidase that has never been isolated for further research. In this study, the activity of NanB sialidas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nugroho, Christian Marco Hadi, Kurnia, Ryan Septa, Tarigan, Simson, Silaen, Otto Sahat Martua, Triwidyaningtyas, Silvia, Wibawan, I. Wayan Teguh, Natalia, Lily, Takdir, Andi Khomeini, Soebandrio, Amin
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2022
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