
Elevated plasma level of the glycolysis byproduct methylglyoxal on admission is an independent biomarker of mortality in ICU COVID-19 patients

Biomarkers to identify ICU COVID-19 patients at high risk for mortality are urgently needed for therapeutic care and management. Here we found plasma levels of the glycolysis byproduct methylglyoxal (MG) were 4.4-fold higher in ICU patients upon admission that later died (n = 33), and 1.7-fold highe...

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Autores principales: Alomar, Fadhel A., Alshakhs, Marai N., Abohelaika, Salah, Almarzouk, Hassan M., Almualim, Mohammed, Al-Ali, Amein K., Al-Muhanna, Fahad, Alomar, Mohammed F., Alhaddad, Mousa J., Almulaify, Mohammed S., Alessa, Faisal S., Alsalman, Ahmed S., Alaswad, Ahmed, Bidasee, Sean R., Alsaad, Hassan A., Alali, Rudaynah A., AlSheikh, Mona H., Akhtar, Mohammed S., Al Mohaini, Mohammed, Alsalman, Abdulkhaliq J., Alturaifi, Hussain, Bidasee, Keshore R.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2022
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