
Gamification in Initial Teacher Training to Promote Inclusive Practices: A Qualitative Study

Gamification consists of the use of ludic elements in non-ludic contexts. It is becoming an educational trend, due to its ability to work on curriculum skills in a fun and motivating way. This article exposes a program of gamified university practices, “Super-Profes”, for the subject of Developmenta...

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Autores principales: Manzano-León, Ana, Aguilar-Parra, José Manuel, Rodríguez-Moreno, Javier, Ortiz-Colón, Ana María
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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Sumario:Gamification consists of the use of ludic elements in non-ludic contexts. It is becoming an educational trend, due to its ability to work on curriculum skills in a fun and motivating way. This article exposes a program of gamified university practices, “Super-Profes”, for the subject of Developmental Disorders. To gain an understanding of student impressions about this methodology, a qualitative study was carried out, based on a survey with open questions, and, subsequently, analyzed with the Atlas.ti 8.4 program. In total, 63 s-year students taking the Early Childhood Education degree participated. Two main categories emerged from the study: gamification as a fun and motivating educational experience, and knowledge and skills acquired after studying a gamified subject. The research concluded with an assessment of educational gamification as a motivating and effective methodology for the acquisition of content and skills necessary for future teaching.