
Evaluation of antiplasmodial activity in silico and in vitro of N-acylhydrazone derivatives

N-acylhydrazones are considered privileged structures in medicinal chemistry, being part of antimicrobial compounds (for example). In this study we show the activity of N-acylhydrazone compounds, namely AH1, AH2, AH4, AH5 in in vitro tests against the chloroquine-resistant strain of Plasmodium falci...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Oliveira, Fernanda A., Pinto, Ana Claudia S., Duarte, Caique L., Taranto, Alex G., Lorenzato Junior, Eder, Cordeiro, Cleydson Finotti, Carvalho, Diogo T., Varotti, Fernando P., Fonseca, Amanda L.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer International Publishing 2022
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