
Investigation of healthcare-associated COVID-19 in a large French hospital group by whole-genome sequencing

OBJECTIVES: Despite the quick implementation of infection prevention and control procedures and the use of personal protective equipment within healthcare facilities, many cases of nosocomial COVID-19 transmission have been reported. We aimed to estimate the frequency and impact of healthcare-associ...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Leducq, Valentin, Couturier, Jeanne, Granger, Benjamin, Jolivet, Sarah, Morand-Joubert, Laurence, Robert, Jérôme, Denis, Michel, Salauze, Beatrice, Goldstein, Valérie, Zafilaza, Karen, Rufat, Pierre, Marcelin, Anne-Geneviève, Jary, Aude, Barbut, Frédéric
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier GmbH. 2022
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