
Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells endogenously expressing follicle-stimulating hormone receptors: modeling the function of an inactivating receptor mutation

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is crucial in the development and regulation of reproductive functions. The actions of human FSH and its receptor (FSHR) and mutations therein have mainly been studied using in vivo models, primary cells, cancer cells and cell lines ectopically expressing the FSHR....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lundin, K, Sepponen, K, Väyrynen, P, Liu, X, Yohannes, D A, Survila, M, Ghimire, B, Känsäkoski, J, Katayama, S, Partanen, J, Vuoristo, S, Paloviita, P, Rahman, N, Raivio, T, Luiro, K, Huhtaniemi, I, Varjosalo, M, Tuuri, T, Tapanainen, J S
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2022
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