
The C-type lectin receptor Clec1A plays an important role in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by enhancing antigen presenting ability of dendritic cells and inducing inflammatory cytokine IL-17

Clec1A, a member of C-type lectin receptor family, has a carbohydrate recognition domain in its extracellular region, but no known signaling motif in the cytoplasmic domain. Clec1a is highly expressed in endothelial cells and weakly in dendritic cells. Although this molecule was reported to play an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Makusheva, Yulia, Chung, Soo-Hyun, Akitsu, Aoi, Maeda, Natsumi, Maruhashi, Takumi, Ye, Xiao-Qi, Kaifu, Tomonori, Saijo, Shinobu, Sun, Haiyang, Han, Wei, Tang, Ce, Iwakura, Yoichiro
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2022
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