
Photonuclear Alchemy: Obtaining Medical Isotopes of Gold from Mercury Irradiated on Electron Accelerators

In our work, the photonuclear production of (198,199)Au isotopes for nuclear medicine purposes was studied, and a method for their recovery from irradiated mercury was developed. The yields of the corresponding nuclear reactions were determined, and a comparison of various methods of obtaining gold...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kazakov, Andrey G., Babenya, Julia S., Ekatova, Taisya Y., Belyshev, Sergey S., Khankin, Vadim V., Albaghdadi, Omar, Kuznetsov, Alexander A., Dovhyi, Illarion I., Bezhin, Nikolay A., Tananaev, Ivan G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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