
The Role of Medicago lupulina Interaction with Rhizophagus irregularis in the Determination of Root Metabolome at Early Stages of AM Symbiosis

The nature of plant–fungi interaction at early stages of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) development is still a puzzling problem. To investigate the processes behind this interaction, we used the Medicago lupulina MlS-1 line that forms high-efficient AM symbiosis with Rhizophagus irregularis. AM fungus a...

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Autores principales: Yurkov, Andrey P., Puzanskiy, Roman K., Kryukov, Alexey A., Gorbunova, Anastasiia O., Kudriashova, Tatyana R., Jacobi, Lidija M., Kozhemyakov, Andrei P., Romanyuk, Daria A., Aronova, Ekaterina B., Avdeeva, Galina S., Yemelyanov, Vladislav V., Shavarda, Alexey L., Shishova, Maria F.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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