
Profil épidémiologique, aspects diagnostiques et évolutifs des patients tuberculeux au centre de diagnostic de la tuberculose et des maladies respiratoires de Settat, Maroc

INTRODUCTION: tuberculosis is a public health problem in Morocco. This study aims to examine the epidemiological profile as well as the evolutionary and diagnostic features of tuberculosis in Settat, Morocco. METHODS: we conducted a retrospective descriptive and analytical study of data from the med...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chahboune, Mohamed, Barkaoui, Mohamed, Iderdar, Younes, Alwachami, Nadia, Mourajid, Yassmine, Ifleh, Mohamed, Boumendil, Karima, Bachar, Khadija, El Madani, Saad
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The African Field Epidemiology Network 2022
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