
SAUR63 stimulates cell growth at the plasma membrane

In plants, regulated cell expansion determines organ size and shape. Several members of the family of redundantly acting Small Auxin Up RNA (SAUR) proteins can stimulate plasma membrane (PM) H(+)-ATPase proton pumping activity by inhibiting PM-associated PP2C.D phosphatases, thereby increasing the P...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nagpal, Punita, Reeves, Paul H., Wong, Jeh Haur, Armengot, Laia, Chae, Keun, Rieveschl, Nathaniel B., Trinidad, Brendan, Davidsdottir, Vala, Jain, Prateek, Gray, William M., Jaillais, Yvon, Reed, Jason W.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2022
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