
p73 is required for vessel integrity controlling endothelial junctional dynamics through Angiomotin

Preservation of blood vessel integrity, which is critical for normal physiology and organ function, is controlled at multiple levels, including endothelial junctions. However, the mechanism that controls the adequate assembly of endothelial cell junctions is not fully defined. Here, we uncover TAp73...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Maeso-Alonso, Laura, Alonso-Olivares, Hugo, Martínez-García, Nicole, López-Ferreras, Lorena, Villoch-Fernández, Javier, Puente-Santamaría, Laura, Colas-Algora, Natalia, Fernández-Corona, Alfonso, Lorenzo-Marcos, María Elena, Jiménez, Benilde, Holmgren, Lars, Wilhelm, Margareta, Millan, Jaime, del Peso, Luis, Claesson-Welsh, Lena, Marques, Margarita M., Marin, Maria C.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer International Publishing 2022
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