
A Large Case-Control Study Performed in Spanish Population Suggests That RECQL5 Is the Only RECQ Helicase Involved in Breast Cancer Susceptibility

SIMPLE SUMMARY: Around 50% of the familial breast cancer (BC) cases are estimated to be caused by variants in low-, moderate-, and high-risk susceptibility genes; however, the other half is of unknown origin. The finding of new susceptibility genes is key to improve diagnosis, take preventive measur...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Marchena-Perea, Erik Michel, Salazar-Hidalgo, Milton Eduardo, Gómez-Sanz, Alicia, Arranz-Ledo, Mónica, Barroso, Alicia, Fernández, Victoria, Tejera-Pérez, Hugo, Pita, Guillermo, Núñez-Torres, Rocío, Pombo, Luz, Morales-Chamorro, Rafael, Cano-Cano, Juana María, Soriano, Maria del Carmen, Garre, Pilar, Durán, Mercedes, Currás-Freixes, María, de la Hoya, Miguel, Osorio, Ana
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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