
Cross-sectional observational study protocol: missing microbes in infants born by caesarean section (MiMIC): antenatal antibiotics and mode of delivery

INTRODUCTION: The intestinal microbiome in early life plays a major role in infant health and development. Factors like antibiotic exposure, breast/formula feeding and mode of delivery are known to affect the microbiome. The increasing occurrence of caesarean section (C-section) deliveries and antib...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Warda, Alicja K, Dempsey, Eugene M, Forssten, Sofia D, Ryan, C Anthony, Cryan, John F, Patterson, Elaine, O'Riordan, Mairead N, O’Shea, Carol-Anne, Keohane, Finola, Meehan, Grainne, O’Connor, Orlagh, Ross, R Paul, Stanton, Catherine
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BMJ Publishing Group 2022
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