
Javanese Homo erectus on the move in SE Asia circa 1.8 Ma

The migration of Homo erectus in Southeast Asia during Early Pleistocene is cardinal to our comprehension of the evolution of the genus Homo. However, the limited consideration of the rapidly changing physical environment, together with controversial datings of hominin bearing sites, make it challen...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Husson, Laurent, Salles, Tristan, Lebatard, Anne-Elisabeth, Zerathe, Swann, Braucher, Régis, Noerwidi, Sofwan, Aribowo, Sonny, Mallard, Claire, Carcaillet, Julien, Natawidjaja, Danny H., Bourlès, Didier
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2022
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