
Complete Genome Sequences of Streptomyces Bacteriophages Annihilus, TonyStarch, Thiqqums, CricKo, ClubPenguin, RosaAsantewaa, and PherryCruz

Seven siphoviruses were isolated from soil using Streptomyces hosts. Their genome sequences ranged from 42,730 to 57,624 bp long and had a GC content of approximately 60%. Based on their gene content similarity to actinobacteriophages, all seven phages were assigned to cluster BI. For several of the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Park, Yvette Genie, McCarthy, Gillian Faith, Mustafa, Hadeeqa, Feild, Gemma M., Puram, Snigdha, Younes, Hager Aly, Imam, Danyah, Erill, Ivan, Caruso, Steven M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Microbiology 2022
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