
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inactivation of the phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase prevents obesity and cardiac ischemic injury

INTRODUCTION: Although the physiological role of the C-terminal hydrolase domain of the soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH-H) is well investigated, the function of its N-terminal phosphatase activity (sEH-P) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess in vivo the physiological role of sEH-P....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Leuillier, Matthieu, Duflot, Thomas, Ménoret, Séverine, Messaoudi, Hind, Djerada, Zoubir, Groussard, Déborah, Denis, Raphaël G.P., Chevalier, Laurence, Karoui, Ahmed, Panthu, Baptiste, Thiébaut, Pierre-Alain, Schmitz-Afonso, Isabelle, Nobis, Séverine, Campart, Cynthia, Henry, Tiphaine, Sautreuil, Camille, Luquet, Serge H., Beseme, Olivia, Féliu, Catherine, Peyret, Hélène, Nicol, Lionel, Henry, Jean-Paul, Renet, Sylvanie, Mulder, Paul, Wan, Debin, Tesson, Laurent, Heslan, Jean-Marie, Duché, Angéline, Jacques, Sébastien, Ziegler, Frédéric, Brunel, Valéry, Rautureau, Gilles J.P., Monteil, Christelle, do Rego, Jean-Luc, do Rego, Jean-Claude, Afonso, Carlos, Hammock, Bruce, Madec, Anne-Marie, Pinet, Florence, Richard, Vincent, Anegon, Ignacio, Guignabert, Christophe, Morisseau, Christophe, Bellien, Jérémy
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2022
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