
Orbivirus RNA in a Banana Serotine (Afronycteris nanus) Bat in the Republic of the Congo

Orbiviruses are arthropod borne viruses of vertebrates, with some of them being important pathogens of veterinary, conservation and economic importance, while others are occasionally associated with human disease. Some apparently bat specific orbiviruses have been detected, but little is known about...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cameron, Kenneth N., Mombouli, Jean-Vivien, Niama, Fabien R., Hayes, Ben, Olson, Sarah H., Smith, Brett R., Pante, Jasmine, Roy, Sanjit, Laudisoit, Anne, Goldstein, Tracey, Joly, Damien O., Bagamboula MPassi, Romain, Lange, Christian E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2023
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