
Peatland groundwater level in the Indonesian maritime continent as an alert for El Niño and moderate positive Indian Ocean dipole events

In general, it is known that extreme climatic conditions such as El Niño and positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD+) cause prolonged drought in Indonesia's tropical peatlands so that groundwater levels (GWL) drop and peat is prone to fire. However, 27 years of GWL measurements in Central Kalimantan...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sulaiman, Albertus, Osaki, Mitsuru, Takahashi, Hidenori, Yamanaka, Manabu D., Susanto, Raden Dwi, Shimada, Sawahiko, Kimura, Keiji, Hirano, Takashi, Wetadewi, Rahmawati Ihsani, Sisva, Silsigia, Kato, Tsuyoshi, Kozan, Osamu, Kubo, Hideyuki, Awaluddin, Awaluddin, Tsuji, Nobuyuki
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2023
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