
Evaluation of Epigenetic Age Acceleration Scores and Their Associations with CVD-Related Phenotypes in a Population Cohort

SIMPLE SUMMARY: We consider a subset (n = 306) of an Eastern European ageing population cohort which was followed up for 15 years. Using blood DNA methylation data, we calculated nine epigenetic age acceleration scores, which are defined as deviations of epigenetic age from chronological age. We the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chervova, Olga, Chernysheva , Elizabeth, Panteleeva , Kseniia, Widayati , Tyas Arum, Hrbkova, Natalie, Schneider , Jadesada, Maximov , Vladimir, Ryabikov , Andrew, Tillmann , Taavi, Pikhart, Hynek, Bobak , Martin, Voloshin , Vitaly, Malyutina , Sofia, Beck , Stephan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2022
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