
Connected simultaneous rupture of the diaphragm and pericardium via congenitally fused site due to blunt trauma

BACKGROUND: In severe blunt trauma, multiple organ injuries are often observed. Patients with a ruptured diaphragm and pericardium are referred to as having pericardio-diaphragmatic rupture. However, few studies have reported a narrowly defined case of connected rupture of the diaphragm and pericard...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yamashita, Takashi, Asai, Katsuyuki, Ochiai, Hideto, Kanai, Toshikazu, Matsubayashi, Yuta, Tanaka, Keizo, Hashimoto, Takashi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2023
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