
New Preparative Approach to Purer Technetium-99 Samples—Tetramethylammonium Pertechnetate: Deep Understanding and Application of Crystal Structure, Solubility, and Its Conversion to Technetium Zero Valent Matrix

(99)Tc is one of the predominant fission products of (235)U and an important component of nuclear industry wastes. The long half-life and specific activity of (99)Tc (212,000 y, 0.63 GBq g(−1)) makes Tc a hazardous material. Two principal ways were proposed for its disposal, namely, long-term storag...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Volkov, Mikhail A., Novikov, Anton P., Grigoriev, Mikhail S., Kuznetsov, Vitaly V., Sitanskaia, Anastasiia V., Belova, Elena V., Afanasiev, Andrey V., Nevolin, Iurii M., German, Konstantin E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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